Monday, April 9, 2012

My Why

As I listen to the bubbling of the chicken in the oven and my stomach growling, I begin to list all the things that I'm grateful for in my head. I watch my daughter creatively playing with her Little Pet Shop animals, making them live out their lives of innocence. I dig deep in my heart to promise myself to keep her that way forever. To preserve her childish ways, no matter how silly and inconsequential they may be. At least for now.

I gladly bear the worries of my world, thanking the Lord for my husband and daughter. As cliche as it sounds, I dont know what I would do without them. The selfless acts of my husband would go unnoticed if I didnt have love in my heart for him. He finishes my sentences and my thoughts.

I may complain about the location of our home, the micro-managing of my superiors, the miles I drive daily, the heat I have to bear. But it's all worth it when I hear my daughter reading her books to herself for the first time, and then yell that "She can read!" . It's all worth it when I catch my husband smiling at me for no reason. I force myself to focus on what's important, what's worth thinking and praying about. I now take the burden of the worries of my world, and give my fears to the Lord.  Relief sets in as the heavy weight is lifted.

I know others feel the same way, no matter how much I've rambled in those three paragraphs.  As I focus on what matters, I forget about all my stresses and focus on my Why. If I don't, that chicken in the oven will only be eaten by myself.